About Us

Beech River Books, LLC is a small book publishing enterprise founded by Brad Marion. Brad worked in the printing industry for over twenty years and began formatting books as an independent contractor in 2002.
Since then he has formatted, provided editorial assistance and supervised the printing of 50 different books for several different publishers. In 2005, he started Beech River Books, which is named after a small stream and watershed area that forms the bioregion of a large portion of Center Ossipee, New Hampshire, where the publishing business is located.
Brad's wife, Dawn, is an oil painter and illustrator and often contributes her artistic talent to Beech River Books. The aim of the enterprise is to provide the personal touch so that authors can be guided through some of the jargon and technical requirements of the publication process and still receive a high quality product at an affordable price.
Advances in printing technology now make it possible to produce quality books in small quantities with minimal set-up charges. This means that a publisher who stays up-to-date with this technology can offer exciting opportunities for authors to get their books out into the world.
Books we seek to publish
Beech River Books is an independent publisher. It is not a vanity press and it is not a non-profit organization. When we accept a work for publication, we pay the costs involved in printing, shipping and distributing the book. Authors and other contributors are paid in royalties based upon profits the project earns and receive regular sales reports.
As a small enterprise, we are limited to perhaps ten to twelve books that we have the time to produce each year. Thanks to the strong support and recommendation of authors we have already published, we receive far more submissions of manuscripts than we could possibly publish.
We have a strong interest in literary works, local history, environmental activism, spirituality and social responsibility. It is important that work is strong and well-written and that the author has a reasonable marketing plan to justify the investment we will be making in the project.
How we promote the books we publish
We develop an individual promotion plan for each project. This usually includes flyers that the author can distribute and an e-mail announcement. The book is promoted on this website and we usually list the book on Amazon.com. We provide news releases and support in obtaining reviews, book signings and other events. The author is a key part of promoting the book and must commit to being extremely active in getting the word out. We do not normally participate in promotional advertising or go to book trade shows as we have not found these to be cost-effective, but we may consider this option for special projects.